Dobbins Middle School - 8th Grade Math

Welcome to my 8th grade math blog.

It will serve as my primary means of keeping you informed about your child's math class. I encourage you to visit often to stay abreast as we move through the 8th grade Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS).

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Week at a Glance: December 2, 2013

Current Unit / Focus: Unit 2 - Algebraic Equations (including special cases)

Unit Standards: MCC8.EE7

This week in math, we will complete the equations mini-unit. We will begin the week with a quiz to allow students to demonstrate their ability to solve multi-step equations. We will review the quiz to reinforce previously learned concepts before moving on to solving equations with variables on both sides and exploring special cases (all real numbers and no solution).

See the outline below for this week's agenda: (This agenda is subject to change based on students' needs).

Mon --> Review solving multi-step equations
              Equations Quiz
              Modeling equations (intro to variables on both sides)

Tues --> Review Quiz
              Solving equations with variables on both sides

Wed --> Exploring special cases (all real numbers & no solution)
              Equations Task Day 1

Thu --> Equations Task Day2

Fri --> Equations Assessment