Dobbins Middle School - 8th Grade Math

Welcome to my 8th grade math blog.

It will serve as my primary means of keeping you informed about your child's math class. I encourage you to visit often to stay abreast as we move through the 8th grade Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS).

Monday, September 30, 2013

8th Grade Week at a Glance: September 30, 2013

Current Unit / Focus: Unit 2 - Properties of Exponents
Unit Standards: MCC8.EE1

Crosswalk Coach Connection:
 -- Lesson 6 - Exponents


We were scheduled to complete the angle relationships unit this week. However, I have decided to move on to Unit 2 and revisit angle relationships later. Students need to continue to study the geometry/ angle relationships terms everyday. They will have an unannounced quiz over these terms weekly throughout the month of October. Knowing these terms are critical to their success in working with angle relationships.

Vocabulary quizzes from before the break were returned today for parent signature. Students need to review their work and develop a study plan to learn the terms. They should know what each means and being able to identify pictures of each.


This week in math, we will begin Unit 2, which includes the following topics:
 - Exponents
 - Scientific notation
 - Square & cube roots
 - Rational vs irrational numbers
 - Equations

We will spend the week studying integer exponents. At the beginning, of the week, we will work on developing an understanding of exponents how to write exponential expressions in different forms as well as evaluating exponential expressions. Thereafter, we will learn the properties of integer exponents.

See the outline below of this week's agenda. The agenda is subject to change based on students' needs.

 -- Review geometry / angle relationships terms quiz
 -- Intro to exponents unit (notes / terms, writing exponential expressions in different forms)
 -- HW: Practice writing exponential expressions in verbal, expanded and standard form.

 -- Practice working with exponential expressions (expanding, simplifying, evaluating).
 -- Writing exponential expressions from word problems.
 -- HW: Practice worksheet 1.4 (front)

 -- Practice with exponents
 -- HW: Practice worksheet 1.4 (back)

 -- Quiz: Exponents Basics
 -- Exploring Properties of Exponents - Day 1

 -- Exploring Properties of Exponents - Day 2

*Students will have a geometry terms pop quiz one day this week. They need to study nightly!