Dobbins Middle School - 8th Grade Math

Welcome to my 8th grade math blog.

It will serve as my primary means of keeping you informed about your child's math class. I encourage you to visit often to stay abreast as we move through the 8th grade Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS).

Monday, September 30, 2013

8th Grade Week at a Glance: September 30, 2013

Current Unit / Focus: Unit 2 - Properties of Exponents
Unit Standards: MCC8.EE1

Crosswalk Coach Connection:
 -- Lesson 6 - Exponents


We were scheduled to complete the angle relationships unit this week. However, I have decided to move on to Unit 2 and revisit angle relationships later. Students need to continue to study the geometry/ angle relationships terms everyday. They will have an unannounced quiz over these terms weekly throughout the month of October. Knowing these terms are critical to their success in working with angle relationships.

Vocabulary quizzes from before the break were returned today for parent signature. Students need to review their work and develop a study plan to learn the terms. They should know what each means and being able to identify pictures of each.


This week in math, we will begin Unit 2, which includes the following topics:
 - Exponents
 - Scientific notation
 - Square & cube roots
 - Rational vs irrational numbers
 - Equations

We will spend the week studying integer exponents. At the beginning, of the week, we will work on developing an understanding of exponents how to write exponential expressions in different forms as well as evaluating exponential expressions. Thereafter, we will learn the properties of integer exponents.

See the outline below of this week's agenda. The agenda is subject to change based on students' needs.

 -- Review geometry / angle relationships terms quiz
 -- Intro to exponents unit (notes / terms, writing exponential expressions in different forms)
 -- HW: Practice writing exponential expressions in verbal, expanded and standard form.

 -- Practice working with exponential expressions (expanding, simplifying, evaluating).
 -- Writing exponential expressions from word problems.
 -- HW: Practice worksheet 1.4 (front)

 -- Practice with exponents
 -- HW: Practice worksheet 1.4 (back)

 -- Quiz: Exponents Basics
 -- Exploring Properties of Exponents - Day 1

 -- Exploring Properties of Exponents - Day 2

*Students will have a geometry terms pop quiz one day this week. They need to study nightly!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Week at a Glance: September 16, 2013

Current Unit: Unit 1b - Angle Relationships, Triangles & Similarity
Unit Standards: MCC8.G4, MCC8.G5

Crosswalk Coach Connection: 
-- Lesson 26 - Similar Triangles
-- Lesson 27 - Interior and Exterior Angles of Triangles
-- Lesson 28 - Parallel lines and Transversals

This week in math, we will complete the last part of unit 1 with a study of angle relationships and triangles. Specifically, students will recall the angle relationships they learned last year and develop an understanding of the angle pairs that are formed when a transversal intersects a set of parallel lines. In addition, they will explore similar triangles and learn how the angle-angle criterion and triangle-angle sum theorem can be used to prove triangles are similar.

As I mentioned in previous posts, vocabulary is imperative to students' understanding in math. Students need to know and understand the following terms:

  • alternate interior angles
  • alternate exterior angles
  • corresponding angles
  • vertical angles
  • adjacent angles
  • supplementary angles
  • complementary angles
  • parallel lines
  • perpendicular lines
  • intersecting lines
  • angle-angle criterion
  • triangle angle sum theorem
  • corresponding angles
  • corresponding sides
  • similar figures
  • scale factor
  • congruent
See the outline below for this week's agenda. The agenda is subject to change based on students' needs.

- Lines & Angle Relationships Vocabulary
- Angle pairs formed when parallel lines are cut by a transversal
- HW: Identify angle relationships

- Use angle relationships to find angle measurements
- Setup & solve algebraic equations
- HW: Find angle measurements & justify (Measuring UP Lesson 47)

- Triangle angle sum theorem & exterior angle theorem (setup and solve equations)
- HW: Practice with Triangles - (Measuring Up Lesson 48)

- Vocab Quiz
- Triangle Similarity
- Begin City Project
- HW: Similar Triangles

- Complete City Project

Advanced Math
In addition to the information listed above, students in advanced math will also learn about ratio of segments and proving parallel lines. They will use proportions to find the length of line segments formed when multiple transversals intersect at a set of parallel lines. They will also use information about angle measurements to prove that lines are or are not parallel. The agenda for advanced math is listed below.

- Lines & Angle Relationships Vocabulary
- Angle pairs formed when parallel lines are cut by a transversal
- Use angle relationships to find angle measurements (setup & solve algebraic equations)
- HW: Use angle relationships to find measurements (Measuring UP 47)

- Using angle relationships to find angle measurements and determine if lines are parallel
- HW: Practice finding angle measurements & providing proof.

- Vocab Quiz
- Ratio of Segments
- HW: Ratio of Segments Practice

- Triangle angle sum theorem & exterior angle theorem (setup and solve equations)
- Triangle Similarity
- HW: Practice with Triangles - (Measuring Up Lesson 48)

- Lines & Angles Performance Task

Monday, September 2, 2013

Week at a Glance: September 2, 2013

Current Unit: Unit 1a Geometric Transformations
Unit Standards:  MCC8.G1, MCC8.G2, MCC8.G3, MCC8.G4

Crosswalk COACH Connection: Lesson 24

Due to ITBS testing and the shortened classes, we did not move as quickly as I anticipated last week. As such, we will complete the first part of the Rigid Transformations mini unit this week. Students have completed the first part (a performance task) of the 2-part unit assessment on Friday and will take the second part, which is a traditional test in class on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, we will begin an exploration of non rigid transformations -- dilations. Students will understand that dilations stretch or shrink figures proportionately. Students will learn to determine if a figure has been dilated or distorted by analyzing the relationships between corresponding sides and angles. Since we did not have an opportunity to use rigid transformations to prove or disprove congruency last week, I will add that to this week's lesson plan.  In addition, students will explore congruency versus similarity and use rigid and non-rigid transformations to prove whether figures are congruent, similar, both or neither.

In order to be successful with this unit, it is imperative that students are well versed with the following unit terms.

  • transformation
  • pre-image
  • image
  • translation
  • vertical
  • horizontal
  • rotation
  • angle of rotation
  • point of rotation
  • clockwise
  • counterclockwise
  • reflection
  • line of reflection
  • line of symmetry
  • symmetrical
  • congruent
  • similar
  • dilation
  • distortion
  • corresponding sides
  • corresponding angles

Below is an outline of this week's agenda. This outline is subject to change based on the needs of the students.

 -- LABOR DAY - Schools Closed

 -- Review Transforming BOB Performance Task
 -- Rigid Transformations Test
 -- HW - Graphing points to create figures (create figures for Dilations in the Coordinate Plane Task)

 -- Dilations in the Coordinate Plane Task (Analyze figures - determine relationships)
 -- Discuss similarity / proving similarity (Notes - similar figures)
 -- HW - Dilations practice

 -- Compare & contrast congruence and similarity
 -- Demonstrate how how transformations can be used to prove congruency and/or similarity.
 -- Use transformations to determine if figures are congruent, similar, both, or neither
 -- HW - Changing Shapes Task

 -- Transformations Practice

Advanced Math

Students in advanced math have moved through the unit more quickly. They completed the assessment on Thursday and began the Dilations in the Coordinate Plane Task on Friday. Their agenda for the week is as follows:

 -- LABOR DAY - Schools Closed

 -- Dilations in the Coordinate Plane Task (Analyze figures - determine relationships)
 -- Discuss similarity / proving similarity (Notes - similar figures)
 -- HW - Dilations practice

 -- Compare & contrast congruence and similarity
 -- Demonstrate how how transformations can be used to prove congruency and/or similarity.
 -- Use transformations to determine if figures are congruent, similar, both, or neither
 -- HW - Changing Shapes Task

 -- Congruent vs Similar Triangles (Proofing Triangle Congruence)
 -- HW  - Triangle Congruence Practice

 -- Transformations Practice