Dobbins Middle School - 8th Grade Math

Welcome to my 8th grade math blog.

It will serve as my primary means of keeping you informed about your child's math class. I encourage you to visit often to stay abreast as we move through the 8th grade Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS).

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Week at a Glance: October 29, 2012

This week in math, we will complete the scientific notation unit. I decided to extend the unit because the students more practice with the concepts. The unit test will be on Thursday, November 1. Students need to be able to do the following:

Convert between standard form and scientific notation (back and forth)
Determine if numbers are correctly written in scientific notation.
Compare & order scientific notation expressions
Multiply & divide scientific notation expressions
Add & subtract scientific notation expressions

Adv Math: Scientific Notation w/powers.

On Friday, I will introduce the next unit, expressions & equations.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Week at A Glance: October 22, 2012

This week in math, we will continue with the scientific notation mini unit. Students are now familiar with scientific notation and most of them are able to convert numbers to and from scientific notation. The learning goals for the unit are for students to be able to:

  • Express numbers in scientific notation (convert from standard form)
  • Convert scientific notation expressions to standard form
  • Recognize when expressions are / are not in proper scientific notation
  • Compare and order scientific notation expressions
  • Multiply & divide scientific notation expressions
  • Add & subtract scientific notation expressions
  • Powers with scientific notation (Adv Content)

Students will take a test over scientific notation on Friday.

Thereafter, we will begin the equations unit in which students will learn to solve multi-step algebraic equations and write equations to represent situations from word problems.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Week at a Glance: October 15, 2012

This week in math, we will finish the properties of exponents unit. I extended it into this week to allow time for a few more days of practice. The unit assessment has been re-scheduled for Tuesday, October 16. Students will need to know and be able to apply the following properties of exponents:

Product of Powers
Quotient of Powers
Power of Powers
Zero Exponents
Negative Exponents

This unit is loaded on Plato under "Exponent Properties" if additional support / practice is needed.

Students have also been assigned a performance task as a culminating activity for this unit. Students will complete a bubble map to show how the properties listed above could be used to write equivalent exponential expressions.  Advanced math students also have to complete a tree map to summarize the properties.  All thinking maps are due on Wednesday, October 17.

On Wednesday, students will take the District Benchmark Assessment (DBA) for the 1st nine weeks.

Our next unit, scientific notation will be introduced on Thursday. This unit will focus on students understanding the form and function of scientific notation. Students should be able to answer the following questions after the unit introduction.

What is scientific notation
When is it used (in what fields, to represent what)?
How do you express large numbers in scientific notation?
How do you express small numbers in scientific notation?
How do you convert between standard form and scientific notation?

The scientific notation unit will be accessible in Plato on Thursday.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Week at a Glance: October 8, 2012

This week in math, students will continue to explore and apply the properties of exponents.

Product of Powers
Quotient of Powers
Power of Powers
Zero Exponents
Negative Exponents

Students will apply these properties to exponential expressions with a variety of bases: integers, rational numbers, variables (with and without coefficients). The properties of exponents unit will be available on Plato on Tuesday. Students may use this to review and practice the properties or for assistance with homework.

Students will take an exponents assessment on Thursday or Friday.

Thereafter, we will move onto square roots and cube roots. In preparation for this unit, students need to understand the following terms:

perfect square
perfect cube