Dobbins Middle School - 8th Grade Math

Welcome to my 8th grade math blog.

It will serve as my primary means of keeping you informed about your child's math class. I encourage you to visit often to stay abreast as we move through the 8th grade Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS).

Monday, March 10, 2014

Unit Focus:  Linear Functions (multiple representations)

Crosswalk Coach Connection:
 - Lesson 21 - Solving Problems with Functions
 - Lesson 22 - Using graphs to describe relationships (Piecewise Functions)
 - Lesson 23 - Comparing Properties of Linear Functions

This week in math, we will complete our study of linear functions, which includes:
 -- Identifying functions from multiple representations
 -- Distinguishing between linear and nonlinear relationships
 -- Applying function rules
 -- Intro to writing function rules

Since knowledge of functions is imperative to understanding the linear functions unit, students will continue to use and apply those concepts as they learn about linear functions. In the linear functions unit, students will use the slope-intercept form (y = mx + b) to write and graph linear equations from multiple representations, including:

  • slope & y-intercept
  • rate of change & initial value
  • two points
  • point slope
  • table
  • graph
  • verbal descriptions / word problem
In addition, students will recognize that that a line with an undefined is NOT a function and therefore, cannot be expressed using y = mx + b.

The focus of this week will be analyzing situations (word problems) and representing them with linear functions. Students will also have to interpret the meaning of the slope and y-intercept in context.

Students need to be familiar with the following terms to improve their success as they progress through the unit:
 1) function
 2) linear
 3) nonlinear
 4) piecewise
 5) domain
 6) range
 7) input
 8) output
 9) slope
10) y-intercept
11) rate of change
12) initial value

The tentative agenda for this week is listed below. This agenda is subject to change based on students' needs:

 - Writing linear functions to represent situations. Interpreting slope & y-intercept in context.

 - Review linear functions quiz
 - Analyzing situations and representing them with equations and graphs of linear functions.

 - Analyzing situations and representing them with equations and graphs of linear functions.

 - Matching situations to graphs and equations

 - Linear functions assessment

*Students in Advanced Math are moving at a slightly fast. They will complete the linear functions  unit in the early part of the week and spend the latter part of the week exploring piecewise functions. As such, their agenda is different.

 - Review linear functions unit
 - Intro graphing piecewise functions

 - Linear functions assessment

 - Writing piecewise functions
 - Intro piecewise functions task

 - Piecewise functions task (day 1)

 - Piecewise functions task (day 2)

Monday, February 24, 2014

Week at a Glance: February 24, 2014

Unit Focus:  Linear Functions (multiple representations)

Crosswalk Coach Connection:
 - Lesson 21 - Solving Problems with Functions
 - Lesson 22 - Using graphs to describe relationships (Piecewise Functions)
 - Lesson 23 - Comparing Properties of Linear Functions

This week in math, we will complete our study of functions and begin on the linear functions unit. The focus of the functions unit was:
Identifying functions from multiple representations
Distinguishing between linear and nonlinear relationships
Applying function rules
Intro to writing function rules

Since knowledge of functions is imperative to understanding the linear functions unit, students will continue to use and apply those concepts as they learn about linear functions. In the linear functions, students will use the slope-intercept form (y = mx + b) to write and graph linear equations from multiple representations, including:

  • slope & y-intercept
  • rate of change & initial value
  • two points
  • point slope
  • table
  • graph
  • verbal descriptions / word problem

Students need to be familiar with the following terms to improve their success as they progress through the unit:
 1) function
 2) linear
 3) nonlinear
 4) piecewise
 5) domain
 6) range
 7) input
 8) output
 9) slope
10) y-intercept
11) rate of change
12) initial value

The tentative agenda for this week is listed below. This agenda is subject to change based on students' needs:

 - Review functions unit
 - Begin functions unit assessment

 - Complete functions unit assessment
 - Slope intercept form review
 - Writing & graphing linear equations in slope intercept form
    (from slope & y-intercept, table, verbal description)

 - Writing & graphing linear equations in slope intercept form
    (from tables, 2 points, point & slope)

 - Writing & graphing linear equations in slope intercept form TASK
   TWMM 2.2 (Day 1)

 - Writing & graphing equations in slope intercept form TASK
    TWMM 2.2 (Day 2)

*Students in Advanced Math will also learn to write linear equations in point slope form.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Week at a Glance: January 21, 2014

This week in math, we will begin the Functions unit. The focus of the week is for students to be able identify functions from a variety of contexts, including:

 - Mapping diagrams
 - Sets of ordered pairs
 - Tables / T-charts
 - Graphs
 - Equations

To be successful in the this unit, it is important that students are familiar with the following terms:

Rate of change

The agenda for this week is listed below. This agenda is subject to change to meet students' needs.

 - Intro to functions (discuss / explain terms)
   Identifying functions from: mapping diagrams, sets of ordered pairs, tables

WED  **short class due to 8th grade writing assessment
 - Identifying functions from tables and charts
 - Comparing functions represented in different ways

 - Identifying functions from graphs
 - Comparing functions represented in different ways

 - Identifying functions quiz
 - Function machine: exploring function rules

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Week at a Glance: January 13, 2014

This week in math, we will complete the Pythagorean Theorem and Volume Unit. Students will focus on reviewing all aspects of the Pythagorean Theorem. In addition, they will recall the concept of volume from previous grades. They will learn and the formulas for volume of cylinders, cones and spheres.

During the latter part of the week, students will be introduced to the next unit, Functions if time permits.

The tentative agenda for the week is listed below. This agenda is subject to change based on students' needs.

  - Recall Volume
  - Volume of cylinders, cones & spheres (understand & apply formulas)

  - "How full is your glass?" task Day 1

  - "How full is your glass?" task Day 2
  -  Unit review 

  - Unit assessment
  - Intro to functions (time permitting)

  - District Benchmark
  - Intro to functions (time permitting)

Week at a Glance: January 6, 2014

Happy New Year!

This week in math, we will resume working on the Pythagorean Theorem. Before the holiday break, students learned the following:
- The Pythagorean Theorem applies to right triangles angles only.

- It specifies a relationship between the areas of the squares created off of the legs and hypotenuse of a 
  right triangle.

- How to apply the Pythagorean Theorem to find missing side length on a right triangle.

- How to apply the Pythagorean Theorem to solve real-world problems.

After reviewing the items above, we will proceed with the the rest of the Pythagorean Theorem & Volume unit. The focus of this week will be:
- Converse of Pythagorean Theorem

- Using the Pythagorean Theorem to find distance in the coordinate plane.

As always, students will have homework nightly (Mon - Thu).